Psychological Counseling
While working together you will receive a lot of support, help to stabilize the present moment in your life, a process of exploring inner resources and finding the best ways to bring them to fruition. Counseling is the younger "sister" of psychotherapy and although it focuses on the resources of the present moment and building a better future, it differs from coaching by the fact that it addresses your needs including in moments of emotional distress, crisis and impasse. Coaching approaches your growth, preferably from a place of emotional comfort and openness to exploration.
The therapeutic process of counseling is focused on supporting and guiding you when you face various difficulties or psycho-emotional challenges that arise:
- Normally in certain stages of life (eg: adapting to the academic environment, professional transitions, adjusting to the couple life or the arrival of children, the loss of a loved one, etc.).
- Unexpectedly as a result of unforeseen events such as an accident, illness, abuse, etc.
You can turn to psychological counseling if you are faced with:
- depression, anxiety, panic attacks, phobias
- challenges related to your professional and personal life
- difficulties in making and taking decisions
- avoidant behaviors
- low self-confidence, etc.
We will work together to help you find the internal tools and resources so that you better understand yourself and manage the difficult aspects of the situations you face. Such a process supports you to improve your well-being and quality of life.
Psychological counseling involves the following steps:
- Validation and Normalization of Feelings: it is the first step towards calming down, it helps you to accept yourself as you are, with the qualities and the imperfection, and it opens the way to exploring deeper.
- Understanding the Problem: te ajută să înțelegi cauzele și factorii, atât cei exteriori, cât și cei interiori, care contribuie la starea ta actuală, fie că este vorba de stres, anxietate, depresie, etc.
- Working with specific objectives: they set the framework for working together, bring clarity to the process and help you see change. Therapeutic goals reflect your unique needs, desires, and situations.
- Developing Healthy Coping Strategies: we find those effective strategies and techniques to help you feel more in control of your present moment and more prepared for future challenges.
- Increasing Self-Awareness: it is a step of exploring and understanding your personal emotions, thoughts, behaviors and values to bring you as close as possible to yourself and your needs.